Students With Disabilities (I.S.S)
Aviation High School Celebrates Neurodiversity!
We align our programs to meet mandated services as per student IEPs.
Related Services for Students with Disabilities:
- Counseling: Individual and Group
- Speech/Language Therapy: Individual and Group
- Hearing: Individual and Group
- Occupational Therapy: Individual and Group
- Paraprofessional Services: Health, Mobility, and Behavior Support.
Historically we have offered the following Educational programs:
- Related Service Only
- SETSS (Special Education Teacher Support Services)
- Integrated Co-Teaching (40% IEP over 60% Gen. Ed.)
- Self Contained (Special Class 15:1)
Students are promoted and fully integrated to main stream classes based on individual progress, skill acquisition, parental consent, and CSE team recommendation.
Career Technical Education (CTE):
- Special Education 9th and 10th grade students participate full time in the main stream CTE program.
- Special Education students who do not have the skills to continue in the main stream CTE program, are assigned to Special Education Technology classes. Here they have access to small group instruction, receive basic technology information and participate in hands-on activities.
SWD Grading Policy:
- 20% for Participation and Classwork
- 20% for Homework
- 60% for Exams, Essays and Projects
Assistant Principal of I.S.S
Ms. Maria Cristina Rodriguez
Room 526
718-361-2032 ext. 5261
Hablo Español
I.S.S Secretary
School Counselor for I.S.S
Extended Time Procedures
Extended Time Accommodation
- Students with IEPs are entitled to “extended time” meaning additional time to complete your exams after school.
What does this mean?
If your class is taking an exam, and you are not able to finish that period, you must tell your teacher that you need extended time.
- Extended time must be used the same day that the exam is given.
- Extended time will only be available after school.
- Extended time will only be applicable for Math, ELA, Science, Spanish and History exams.
- Extended time will only take place during periods 9,10, and 11.
**There is no extended time before or after these periods.**
Steps to Get Extended Time ✅
- Bring pencils, pens, paper and calculators when needed.
- Know the name of the teacher whose test you are completing.
- No talking. All exams are to be completed silently.
- No cheating! Cell phones and smart watches must be placed on the table face down while you are testing.
- Extended time exams will take precedence (is more important) over any extracurricular activities.
Fill this out:
My last class ends period ________ ,therefore I can go to the library for an extended time period ________.