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Welcome to Aviation High School!

Preparing for Your First Day of School

What do I need to buy?  What will happen in September?

First Day of School is Thursday, September 5, 2024

Student OMNY card and Schedule Distribution is Wednesday, September 4, 2024

We fully understand that transitioning to high school can be scary.  I want to start by saying that your child is exactly where they need to be.  We do not have any summer assignments and we do not expect students to purchase any out-of-the-ordinary school supplies before school starts.  On the first day of school, please send your child to school with the following supplies:

  • bookbag (back pack, schoolbag)
  • a few pens/pencils
  • binder with sections
  • a few folders
  • Eraser
  • Highlighter
  • Small 3 hole punch  

What about supplies for shop (the aircraft maintenance classes)?  All freshmen are required to purchase the Freshman Packet by October 1, which we sell, in our school store (room 108) for about $65.  The Freshman Packet is sold during Freshman Orientation, but rest assured if you are unable to purchase it at that time, students will not need anything from this packet for the first week or two of school.  Your child will get more information about this freshman packet from their aircraft maintenance (shop) teacher in the first few weeks of school.  You do not need to buy it twice.

What about a uniform for the Gymnasium?  All of our students must wear our school Gym uniform in their Physical Education classes.  The uniform and lock cost about $45.  We sell it in our school store.  Your child will not have to purchase the gym uniform until the second week of school.  Our Physical Education teachers will tell your child when to bring in the money to buy the uniform.

What is my child's class schedule?  We ask that all students come to Aviation the day before the first day of school to pick up their schedules and Metro Cards.  All students enter through the Student Cafeteria on 35th Street.  You can also find your child's list of classes by visiting website and signing into your Parent/Guardian account.  Please keep in mind that schedules will not be made available until very close to the first day of school.  Please also update your contact information in  If your child does not receive his/her schedule and MetroCard before the first day of school, then please have them arrive at 7:45 am on the first day of school.  We will give it out, then.

Is my child eligible to get an OMNY Card?   All students are eligible unless they live very close to the school.  Click here for the DOE rules on Metro Cards. We do not offer a yellow school bus except for students whose IEPs specify transportation accommodations. Please see the question above for date details.

Who is my child's counselor?  For students without an IEP, Ms. W. Gutierrez.  For students with an IEP, Ms. Alba.  Please click here for their contact information.  Counselors will not return from the summer break until after Labor Day.

If my child passes a Regents Exam in the 8th grade, will they have to repeat the related course?  Many of our incoming students pass the Algebra I, Living Environment, Earth Science and US History Regents exams in the 8th grade.  Students who pass Algebra I will not repeat Algebra I but the math they are scheduled for will depend on how high they score on the Algebra Regents Exam.  If they score well, they will be programmed for Geometry.  If they pass but do not score well, they will be programmed for a two year Algebra II course.  Students who pass the Living Environment Regents will be scheduled for Earth Science.  All other freshmen, whether they pass the Earth Science Regents or not, will take Living Environment. Regarding Social Studies, all freshman and sophomores are programmed for Global Studies.  Juniors are programmed for US History but will not be programmed for US History if they passed the Regents in the 8th grade.  All Juniors have the option to take AP US History in the 11th grade.

What are the foreign language requirements at Aviation High School?  We only offer one year of Spanish to our students.  Though most high schools offer three year's of foreign language, Career and Technical Education (CTE) high schools typically only offer one year because students take an extensive array of career focused courses.  Students who take an accelerated language in the 7th and 8th grades and pass the middle school LOTE (Language Other Than English) exam, have this one year of Spanish waived. Click here for details.  Students earn an Advanced Regents diploma with only one year of LOTE if they earn the CTE endorsement.


Information for students not placed at Aviation High School


We would like to thank you for your interest in Aviation High School.  Thousands of students applied to our school and we only have capacity for about 500 students.  We wish that we could accept all of our applicants.  We do not accept any transfer students.  Please read the information below to learn a little more about our admissions programs and to obtain Family Welcome Center contact information for any admissions process questions you may have.

Regarding the Waitlist: The NYCDOE placed every student on the Waitlist of every program students ranked above the program they were placed in.  We have 1,000 students on each waitlist.  The NYCDOE also placed 700 students for our 500 seats so it is very unlikely that we will draw from our Waitlist.  We are so very sorry that this process is so confusing and has such little transparency.  Further, we wish we had better answers for you.

Admissions Information:

  • Ranking and selection was conducted by the NYC Department of Education Office of High School Admissions
  • Both Q60A and Q60Q admissions codes represent 250 ninth grade seats each (for a total of 500 students)
  • 16%, or roughly 40 seats per program, are designated for Students with Disabilities (80 total Students with Disabilities and 420 total non-Students with Disabilities)
  • Both programs are screened with ranking determined by the Department of Education.  Details can be found at this website:
  • School administration does not know the details of how students were ranked or selected

For details and appeals, please contact the Office of High School Admissions and the Family Welcome Centers directly.

  1. Office of Admissions by phone 718-935-2009.  Press 4 then 1 and then 1 again.
  2. Office of Admissions by email at
  3. Family Welcome Center by email.  See Below


School Districts Served

FWC Email Address

Bronx - Districts 7, 9, 10

Bronx - Districts 8, 11, 12

Brooklyn - Districts 13, 15, 20, 21

Brooklyn - Districts: 14, 19, 23, 32

Brooklyn - Districts 16, 17, 18, 22

Manhattan - Districts 1, 2, 4

Manhattan - Districts 3, 5, 6

Queens - Districts 24, 30

Queens - Districts 25, 26

Queens - Districts 27, 28, 29

Staten Island - District 31



Dr. Michael Koumoullos

Assistant Principal Pupil Personnel Services

719-361-2032 ext. 1351

Aviation High School

Please click on all of the boxes for a full understanding of Aviation High School!


How do I apply to Aviation High School?

Your current middle school would help you submit the NYC High School Application to the Department of Education via

If you require extra help or are attending middle school outside of the NYC Department of Education, please call the Family Welcome Center at 718-935-3500.

What if I am applying for the 10th grade, 11th or 12th grade?

As of the 2016-2017 school year, transfer students are no longer  accepted due to changes applied by the Federal Aviation Administration to our programs.

Do I have to list Aviation High School as #1 on the application form?

You do not have to, but be advised that the Department of Education will also take into consideration your preference when deciding placement of students.

Do I need to take a test to get into your school?

There is no admission test for Aviation High School.

I am interested in becoming a pilot, is Aviation High School a right fit for me?

Here at Aviation High School, students study aircraft maintenance, in addition to being prepared for college. This means that all of our students learn how planes fly and learn how to fix planes.

While we do not offer a flight program, we are a great step into a pilot program after graduation.

I did not attend public school in the 7th grade. What standardized exams do I submit?

The DOE has taken control over the selection process.  Under the current system, standardized tests and attendance are not considered as admissions criteria.  Please click here to be taken to the official DOE Screened Admissions website.

When is the deadline to apply?

Deadlines are set by your current school. Please check with your middle school guidance counselor. The citywide deadline is usually around December 1.

 Will Aviation High School accept students from the Waitlist?

Most likely, we will not offer seats to any students from our Waitlist.  Last year, we received 4,000 applications for our 500 freshmen seats.

Contact Us

Parent Coordinator:  Viana Cordero


Phone: (718) 361-2032 ext: 1352


High School Open House Frequently Asked Questions


  1. What’s the graduation rate of the school?  The graduation rate of the school is about 97%.
  1. What’s the average freshmen schedule?  The average freshmen schedule is 1st period to 9th period (8:00 am to 3:30 pm) but could last until 4:15 pm.
  1. Is shop (Aircraft Maintenance) mandatory?  Yes, Shop is mandatory.  It’s the foundation that the school is founded on.  Every student will have 2 periods of shop Freshman year and 3 or 4 periods per day after that.
  1. What can you do with the AMT (Aircraft Maintenance Technician) certifications?  With your AMT certification you can work in the airlines, at any airport as a full-time professional mechanic.  The knowledge and skills you learn can also be used to work for any company that has maintenance positions, including the MTA.
  1. Is the school near a public transit system?  Yes, the school  is near the No. 7 train and the Q 60 and Q 32.
  1. What do you do in shop?  You take approved FAA classes in order to get your AMT certifications.  In other words, you learn everything you need to know to fix any type of airplane or helicopter.
  1. Does the school have a pilot program?  No, the school does not have a pilot program but this is the best high school for students who want to become pilots.  We have a Flying Club which helps prepare students for the first pilot exam.
  1. How long is a normal period?  A normal period is 46 minutes, but shop classes vary between 2, 3 or 4 periods long depending on the student’s grade level.  
  1. How many AP classes offered in the school?  The school offers multiple AP classes in each subject section: Physics, Biology, Environmental Science, Calculus, English Literature, English Writing and Composition, U. S. History, U. S. Government, World History and many other college level classes sponsored by LaGuardia Community College through the College Now program.


High School Admissions Decisions

Please log in to your account to see which school your child was accepted into.  If you disagree with the results of your child's application, please contact their current counselor at their middle school or the Family Welcome Center at 718-935-3500.  Please check your email used for you application, we will be emailing everyone with updates soon. 

Take a moment to review the information we shared at our Freshman Orientation.


 Freshmen orientation presentation 2024 May.pdf 



Dear Parents, Families, and Students of the Class of 2028,

Congratulations on your acceptance into Aviation High School! Your new school is a very unique, storied, and supportive place, and our school community looks forward to welcoming each of you into our family in the fall!

The 2024-2025 school year will be our 89th school year and your entrance into our school helps us create the next chapter in our school’s history! The staff, students, and I are always working on creating a welcoming environment to help you with your transition from middle school to high school! As you will see in our online videos, Aviation High School is comprised of academic, arts, language, physical education, and aviation maintenance courses! Our program is a very unique high school experience that is normally taught at the college or post-secondary technical school level, and I have no doubt that each of you will enjoy learning about our Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) program, various courses, clubs, sports, and overall school culture!

We update videos and information on the admissions page of our website, so be sure to check your email inbox and review the updates on our website regularly. Our administration and I are always available through email, so please contact anyone of us if you have any questions or concerns about the start of the school year.

Congratulations once again on your acceptance into Aviation High School! Your teachers, counselors, support staff, administrators, and I are looking forward to welcoming you into our school community and helping with your transition from middle school to an aviation maintenance focused high school!

Welcome Class of 2028!


Steven R. Jackson


Aviation High School