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Daily Announcements
Friday, September 20, 2024
Hispanic Heritage Month, which runs from Sept 15th through October 15th, celebrates the histories and cultures of American citizens whose ancestors came from Central and South America, Mexico, Spain, and the Caribbean. National Hispanic Heritage Month begins in the middle of September because many Latin American countries observe their Independence Day on or around September 15th, including Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico, and Chile.
- Saturday School begins on October 12, 2024. Check JumpRope for more information.
- SO cards are being sold in the cafeteria during lunch periods. Please be sure you get a new one, as last year’s cards have expired. You need a current SO card to join clubs and teams and to go on school trips.
- We are thrilled to announce the second-year partnership of Three Keys Mentoring, an incredible program collaborating with NBA star Taj Gibson! That’s right - Taj Gibson himself is part of this amazing initiative. This is the perfect opportunity if you're looking to meet new people, develop valuable skills on and off the basketball court, and work with inspiring mentors. To sign up, students should see MSgt Williams in room 103 to pick up a permission slip. You can also learn more about the program by visiting their Instagram handle: @ThreeKeys. Don’t miss out on this incredible experience!!
- The next soccer game will be today, Friday, September 20th, against Thomas Edison at Joe Austin playground. The game begins at 4 pm. Come see us play! GO FLYERS!!
- The Web Development Club will hold its first meeting today, Friday, after 10th period in room 530.
- If any student is interested in helping plan a Hispanic heritage gathering, please see Ms. Aiello at 147.
- Design a senior hoodie and get yours for free! To upload your design, visit the senior Instagram page @avseniors25 or Ms. Donohue’s senior classroom page.
- Fundraising chocolate has been ordered. Please stop by room 147 to pick up a permission slip to begin selling.
- We’re looking for 2-3 students to be the school mascot! Please see Ms. Aiello in 147. We are looking for someone who is active and can dance!!
- Attention all students! Come show your school spirit by joining the Aviation Cheerleaders! A brief meeting and sign-ups will be held on Wednesday, September 25th, during period 10, in room 145. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Sherman in room 149C.
- The club fair will be on Tuesday, October 1st, in the student cafeteria. All grades are welcome. Presidents and captains, check your emails for the signup link for a table.
- Baseball tryouts begin on Tuesday, October 1st, after school in the handball courts. Contact Coach Fischer at the JFK Annex (718-995-3340) for more information. Blank medical and parental consent forms are available in room 139. ALL FORMS MUST BE COMPLETED TO TRY OUT!
- Sunnyside Enrichment's afterschool program returns on October 7th. Tutoring sessions will be held Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 3:30 pm - 6 pm. Rooms will be announced by the end of next week.
- You must be registered with the program to participate. Stop by room 104 for a registration form.
- If you have already picked up a registration this past Friday, please return it to room 104 to Ms. Pam as soon as possible.
- Be sure to look out for upcoming clubs and trip dates from Sunnyside.
**All students should check their counselor’s Google Classroom page daily for announcements and updates.**
Student Classes are Available Online
Students can access their classes via TeachHub
Parents/Guardians can access their child’s classes via NYCSA (https://www.schoolsaccount.nyc/)
What if I can’t get into either account? Your child will receive a paper copy of their schedule, along with their OMNY Card, when they come to school on Wednesday, September 4 according to the schedule below.
Why aren’t the teachers and room numbers showing? That information is still subject to change. It will be present on the paper copy that your child will receive on September 4.
What should I be looking for? You should look to see that your child is not scheduled for a class that they have already passed or for a class not appropriate for their grade level. For example, a tenth year student scheduled for twelfth grade English. Or an incoming student scheduled for a class they have taken in the 8th grade.
What if I see a problem? Complete this form to let us know so we can work on making the change. Please do not expect the change to be made before you receive the paper schedule. It will take us a few days to process all program changes.
What if my child cannot remember their TeachHub password? Parents/guardians can change their child’s TeachHub password in their NYCSA account. https://www.schoolsaccount.nyc/
What if I can’t remember my parent password? There is a “Forgot Your Password?” link on the NYCSA sign in page. https://www.schoolsaccount.nyc/
What if I do not have a NYCSA account? You will have to contact our Parent Coordinator, Ms. Cordero, to set up your account. Please be patient as this is the busiest time of year.
NYCstudents.net Password Reset
Girls in Aviation Day is on Saturday, October 19, 2024
Our 3rd Annual Girls in Aviation Day at Aviation High School is on Saturday, October 19, 2024 from 9 am- 2pm.
RSVP using the QR code below or this link.
In conjunction with Women in Aviation International, the Women in Aviation-New York Chapter and Women in Aviation- Aviation High School Chapter will jointly host Girls in Aviation Day (GIAD).
GIAD is a global outreach event geared towards students to introduce and attract young people to aviation and expose them to different aviation careers. This is a great opportunity to hear directly from representatives from American Airlines, Delta and JetBlue. SUNY Farmingdale and Vaughn College will be also be in attendance. You can also learn about the programs from the Cradle of Aviation and the Intrepid Air and Space Museum.
Date: Saturday, October 19, 2024 from 9am-2pm.
Location: 45-30 36th Street, Long Island City, Queens
There is no fee to attend the event. While the event is promoted for girls, all students are welcome.
2023 CNN Video Highlighting Aviation High School!
Click on the Image or Link Below to Watch a 2023 CNN Feature on Aviation High School!
CNN: "This High School in Queens New York is Preparing the Next Generation of Aviation Experts"
An Introduction to Aviation High School - An FAA Certified CTE Aircraft Maintenance High School
NY1 Story: Annex Students Visit LaGuardia Airport
Students from our 5th Year Annex program visit LaGuardia Airport on Thursday, March 9, 2017! Watch the NY1 report on the visit!
754,000 Aviation Technician Jobs Through 2038!
The latest Boeing Pilot & Technician Outlook projects that 769,000 new maintenance technicians will be needed to fly and maintain the world fleet over the next 20 years. The forecast is inclusive of the commercial aviation, business aviation, and civil helicopter industries, and is up from last year's 20-year forecast of 754,000. Projected demand in North America is 193,000, up 2% from last year.
Barnard College
Barnard HEOP Event
Students interested in being nominated for event see Ms. DiGiorgio
College Office -
Rutgers University
If you are interested in meeting with Admission, please see Ms. DiGiorgio Room 230
College Office -
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
If you are interested in meeting with Admission, please see Ms. DiGiorgio Room 230
College Office -
Manhattan College
iIf you are interested in meeting with Admission, please see Ms. DiGiorgio Room 230
College Office -
SUNY Brockport
If you are interested in meeting with Admission, please see Ms. DiGiorgio Room 230
College Office
Sports Calendar & Medical Form
CNBC Story Features Aviation Graduates
NPR Profiles Aviation High School's JFK Annex!
Deep Inside New York's JFK Airport, There's A High School
"New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport is among the busiest in the country: More than 1,000 flights touch down and take off each day. More than 50 million passengers hurry through its gates each year.
But something else is happening too.
Not far from the waxed floors of the terminals and the automated voice proclaiming the end of the moving walkway, there's a school. And a classroom that has six wheels, two wings, and a tail. It is a Boeing 727, parked on the tarmac near the hangars and warehouses..."
Read the rest of the article here!
FAA Aircraft Handbooks and Manuals
Attention students,
use the link below to access useful Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) aircraft handbooks and manuals for your aviation maintenance courses.
Aviation High School Online Learning Environment & Resources for Students, Parents and Staff!
Check the Site Regularly for Updates!
Our School Community! Follow Us on Social Media!
Bell Schedule
Grading Policy 2024 - 2025
Working Papers
For working papers during the Summer Break please see Mr. Foran
You may contact him at jforan@schools.nyc.gov
FAA Written Exam Testing Info!
"No student shall, on the basis of gender, race, color, national origin, disability, or age be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits, or otherwise be subject to unlawful discrimination under any Career and Technical Education program or activity."
The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:
Name: Dr. Michael Koumoullos, Assistant Principal of Pupil Personnel Services
Address: 45-30 36th Street, Long Island City, NY 11101
Telephone Number: (718) 361-2032, extension 1351
Email: 24q610@schools.nyc.gov
Read the Department of Education's Non-Discrimination Policy Here.
Statement on Accessibility: We are working to make this website easier to access for people with disabilities, and will follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0. If you need assistance with a particular page or document on our current site, please contact 24q610@schools.nyc.gov to request assistance.